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About Jose Vazquez


Agent Details

Meet Jose


José A. Vazquez is a distinguished Realtor associated with the Five Diamond Group at Vice Realty. With a deep-rooted passion for helping individuals realize their real estate aspirations, José is strongly committed to helping prospective homeowners navigate through the complexities of home ownership.


José employs a modern approach, exploring different options to assist clients in becoming homeowners, especially those who have previously been misinformed about their ability to become one. By delivering accurate and current information, he debunks myths, ensuring his clients are well-informed and confident in their decisions. He is driven by a desire to help families build generational wealth through smart real estate investments.


Leveraging a comprehensive background in banking, José has consistently exhibited high performance, with awards including recognition in the top 10% of his company for over five consecutive years and multiple customer service awards. His extensive experience includes managing personal accounts, mortgages, refinances, and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs).


On a personal front, Jose is a devoted parent to Josie and Julian and shares his life with his wonderful partner, Jackie. Together, they relish exploring nature, traveling, cooking, and actively participating in their teenagers’ school activities.


Jose’s commitment to community service is evident in his active volunteering roles with The Latin Chamber of Commerce and, more recently, The One Project. His enthusiasm for life and natural desire to assist others are reflections of his professional spirit in real estate.


Opt for José as your real estate professional if you seek a dedicated, hardworking, and ethical individual who is devoted to making your home-buying journey an enjoyable and seamless experience.


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We know that real-estate transactions mark very meaningful times in people’s lives and we want to make it as effortless as possible.

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